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August 2017 changelog: email reports, ad set duplication and more

Summer is over, but not in Revealbot's backlog – it's still hot in here ☀️
And it's time to look at the new releases we had in August.

Email reports and alerts ✉️

Yes, now you can also send your most important reports or automation alerts to your colleagues or clients using their emails. Just go to Notification channel section when creating a report or alert, hit Email and select your teammate. You can manage your team on Users page.


Send reports to clients without adding them to the team

We've introduced a new role called Client. So if you need to send report or automation alert to someone who's not in your team and who doesn't need to be added to your Revealbot account, you can easily do that from Users page.


Type the email of the person that you need to send reports to and make sure the Client toggle is switched on.

Redesigned automation

As automation was becoming more and more advanced, we realized it was time to comb it up to reflect the new abilities. It's easier to see the relations between conditions and rule creation is now more intuitive and quick.


Test new automation interface

Ad set duplication

If that headline doesn't ring a bell, let me share one interesting tactic that many marketers use. Facebook algorithms put a higher priority on the newly created ad sets and many observe higher reach and lower cost per clicks.

And that's where ad set duplication rocks the stage. If your ad set is performing well, you can just duplicate it, so that it starts to bring even better results.


In task constructor select Duplicate from the list of actions, choose to pause original ad set or keep it rolling and come up with the right conditions.

Try duplication rule

Make sure to try all of the new features and stay tuned for the next changelog 😉

September 5, 2017

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