Chain conditions, use and/or logic operators, and access more metrics. Bïrch gives you all the tools to create advanced automations in TikTok Ads
Target what gets affected by automation with perfect precision
Group conditions together with AND/OR operators.
Choose from over 130 metrics that cover all possible scenarios
Bïrch is integral to my agency for pushing alerts on optimizations from their automation engine into Slack, and updating us during the day on key account changes."
Create automations faster, keep accounts neatly organized, and troubleshoot in seconds
An intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes creating automations simpler and quicker
Get alerts about triggered actions by email or in Slack
Easily discover which rules triggered, which didn’t, and why
Organize rules into folders and categories, and move what you don’t use into a trash can. Restore deleted items if you need them again
I used to spend 15-20 hrs/wk managing our campaigns. With Bïrch, it cut it to 5-8 hrs/wk."
Import your data from a Google Sheet for more accurate attribution or specialized cases
Coming soon
Keep your team and clients updated with configurable reports you can send on a schedule
Coming soon