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Segmented data now delivered in easy-to-consume Slack and email reports. Segmented reports available for Google Analytics and Facebook Ads.
We are proud to announce that reports on our two most popular platforms are now even more powerful: all your data from Google Analytics and Facebook Ads can now be segmented by audience.
No need to log on to Google Analytics or Facebook Ads anymore to get a basic overview of your recent activity — it can be delivered to your Slack team or via email daily. And now those reports won't just show how many new signups you had yesterday, but also where they came from (or any other metric segmented by any other property you select).
For instance, a Google Analytics report on website visitors can now be segmented by source/medium:
Other useful properties available for Google Analytics segmentation among dozens of others: Country, Language, Landing page, Device, Session count.
Or, get Facebook Ads report on current ad campaigns segmented by demographic. For instance, by age: