Bïrch automates your ad management routine so you can focus on reaching results, faster.
Optimize your budget with campaign automations
Find actionable insights and create beautiful reports
Create new ads and
ad variations in seconds
Improve your workflow with integrations, radically.
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in sales over 1 month for a client
"You can scale beyond belief using Bïrch. These results could not and would not have been possible without Bïrch.”
When Lalonie Farnell and Justin Brenner were building up their agency, Ignite Your Brand, they knew that being a cookie-cutter agency wasn’t what they wanted their agency to be. Their ultimate goal was to always take the time to fully understand their client’s brand from the inside out and come up with cutting-edge solutions to make their clients stand out.
As Ignite Your Brand brought on more clients, Lalonie needed a solution to help her team spend less time managing ad campaigns while still delivering the same level of results.
Lalonie wanted the freedom to have fun and spend time with her family and not have to be by her computer all day long looking for opportunities or putting out fires, so she decided to take her Bïrch usage and knowledge to another level. Lalonie also wanted to leverage Bïrch before any ios14 changes could possibly cause major issues with delayed attribution.
Lalonie and her team initially used Bïrch as a fail-safe tool, but it wasn’t until Lalonie was planning a family vacation that she decided to see what else Bïrch could do for her and her clients.
Using Bïrch rules, Lalonie was able to increase her scaling campaigns using her daily dupe strategies. Bïrch allowed her to successfully scale daily by helping her make the right decisions at the right time.
Lalonie relies on error reporting by using the Slack feature to get notifications about any errors that happen so she can make the necessary adjustments to her rules to ensure they’re working properly.
Creative reporting also helps her get insights on how her ad creatives are performing on Instagram, Facebook, mobile or desktop.
The team at Ignite Your Brand didn’t realize how easily and quickly they’d get the full understanding of what Bïrch could do for them and their clients. Once they did, Lalonie applied her automation strategies to multiple clients.
After fully implementing Bïrch, Lalonie said she was able to hit a milestone in her ad buying career. One of their clients had a $3.9 million dollar month, while another one of their clients reached their top sales day ever. She mentioned that this came at a time when everyone in the industry was complaining about performance issues with Facebook.