Bïrch automates your ad management routine so you can focus on reaching results, faster.
Optimize your budget with campaign automations
Find actionable insights and create beautiful reports
Create new ads and
ad variations in seconds
Improve your workflow with integrations, radically.
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increase in combined revenue for clients
increase in total client ad spend
saved per client per week on ad management
"With Bïrch, we don't have to worry too much about looking at our accounts all the time. It alerts us when things start going bad. We'll get a Slack notification from Bïrch and then we'll know to look into why things aren't working."
As Kevin and his Co-Founder Wilson were growing Voy Media and adding more clients to their portfolio of brands like Lacoste and Paw.com, they needed to scale their resources to service them all.
Despite hiring more account managers, Kevin and Wilson were spending more time than they would have liked on servicing their clients. To help with the workload, they started using Facebook’s automated rules and found them helpful in reducing wasted budget.
Although Facebook native rules didn’t solve all their problems, Kevin and Wilson realized Facebook ad automation was the key to unlocking frictionless growth for both their clients and their agency.
Voy Media ran side-by-side tests of identical campaigns, with automations on versus automations off, and the campaigns with Revealbot automations always did better.
Three years ago, Kevin and Wilson took Facebook ad automation to the next level by getting Bïrch. Compared to Facebook’s native automated rules, Bïrch automations are more flexible, dynamic, and reliable in automating more of the right tasks and ad management strategies at the right time.
Revealbot can run automations as fast as every 15 minutes while Facebook’s native rules are limited to every 30 minutes meaning their automations can react instantly to the fast-paced changes of their clients’ high-spending campaigns. This has saved their clients thousands of dollars in wasted budget.
To scale client ad spend, Kevin uses Bïrch to set clear conditions to identify winning campaigns and immediately increases budgets when those conditions are met. This way if a campaign is having a good day, they’re guaranteed to take advantage of it as soon as possible.
Revealbot’s automations helped Voy Media profitably spend 1,160% more on ads with 987% more revenue generated for their clients. They even ran side-by-side tests of identical campaigns, with automations on versus automations off, and the campaigns with Bïrch automations always did better.
Because of Bïrch’s easy-to-use user interface, they were able to easily copy successful automations from one client to another, making it easier to onboard new clients and get success early.
Bïrch automations allowed Kevin and his team of account managers to save an average of nine hours per client per week on ad account management. This allowed the agency to increase the client to account manager ratio and spend more time making unique ad creatives.
"Bïrch has allowed us as an agency to automate our campaigns so we can spend more time building creatives that convert. We make more money because it allows our clients to spend more money. It’s a great tool. We love it."