Bulk Creation

Bulk Upload Meta Ads Fast

Set up multiple ad sets and ads fast. Upload images and videos in bulk to automatically create ad variations with ease.

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How Meta ad Bulk Creation works

Quickly test all possible variations of your ad across different audiences and get the most out of your budget.

Save hours creating ads

Create many ad sets with various ad element variations (video, image, headline, etc) in a matter of minutes.

Speed up your workflow

Use macros to create UTM tags and set up ad set naming conventions.

A/B test everything

Quickly split audiences and find the winning ad variation for each audience.

Bulk Creation is the fastest way to upload ads

Use existing creatives and upload new media and copy to make new creatives.

Supports image, video, carousel, and slideshow ads.

Combines with Revealbot Automation for automatic, data-driven creative testing.

Include saved audiences or make new ones on the fly.

Use dynamic macros for consistent naming conventions and URL parameters.

Suggested content

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Automate campaign management. Automate growth.
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