Bïrch automates your ad management routine so you can focus on reaching results, faster.
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ad variations in seconds
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A monthly log of product updates.
Hi there,
July’s change log is the shortest one we’ve ever had! During the whole month, we’ve been focusing on Creation, a new feature that we will announce in just a few days. But there’s still a few things that came as feature requests from our clients and we could not neglect them. Let’s see what they are!
Try the «add to item name» task.
Try the «remove from item name» task.
Got outdated rules that just need to be removed from the list? Simply check them out and click on «Remove» button, like shown below.
Try bulk delete in Automated rules.
To ensure your boosted posts don’t appear too often when aiming at «Reach», set up frequency cap in your Ad set settings.
Try Reveal’s auto post boosting and promote your posts.
That’s it, folks! Let us know if there are any questions on the new or existing features and share your thoughts.
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