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Today we're launching a new product to make it easier to get started with Revealbot and to help more advanced users scale their campaigns with automate rules.
Today we're launching a new product to make it easier to get started with Revealbot and to help more advanced users scale their campaigns with automate rules.
Revealbot Strategies will save you time from the day-to-day management of your campaigns, save you money by optimizing campaigns instantly (even while you sleep), and make your campaigns more profitable.
You'll now find Revealbot Strategies right inside the Facebook Ads section of Revealbot with a button at the top.
Inside, we have nearly a dozen pre-built strategies ready to be used. Each one is labeled either "easy," "intermediate," or "hard," which represents the complexity of the strategy.
Let's take a look inside the strategy On the Safe Side. This strategy is an easy level strategy that will "Pause ads that have spent enough but have zero conversions." Here's what the strategy looks like inside Revealbot.
You'll see the image for the strategy and its tags on the left. In the main section, you'll see the strategy's name, description, and how the rule is constructed. If you like what you see, you can click the "Create 1 rule" at the top right to immediately add them into your account. Don't worry - you can edit the rule(s) before they go live to fit your campaign/business.
Try Revealbot Strategies today
And immediately implement expert approved best practices for automation
✓ 14-day free trial ✓ No credit card required ✓ Cancel anytime
Go ahead and try it out! Your feedback is always welcomed. 😄