Bïrch automates your ad management routine so you can focus on reaching results, faster.
Optimize your budget with campaign automations
Find actionable insights and create beautiful reports
Create new ads and
ad variations in seconds
Improve your workflow with integrations, radically.
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A monthly log of product updates.
Hello everyone,
I am happy to revive the series of monthly change logs and bring you the updates we’ve got in September. Let’s jump right in!
Bulk Creation
Just a week ago we have officially announced the launch of Bulk Campaign Creation feature. Please find the details in the announcement post, learn how to create your first ad campaign in bulk using our Help Center, and let us know how everything has turned out!
Changing budget at the campaign level
For those who use campaign budget optimization, you’re now able to increase, decrease, or set budget at the campaign level:
Try changing budget in automated rules.
«Replace text» task in automated rules
If you have ad sets containing a keyword in their names, now you can replace it with another keyword within a single task:
In one of our recent Facebook Ads Tip of the Week, we showcased an example when this rule would be useful. Watch the video for more details ;)
And update your ad set names!
Notifications upgrade
From now on, you’ll be getting alerts on errors and can set all notifications to errors only:
Set up your notification preferences in automated rules.
Duplicate paused ad sets and ads
Sometimes, if an ad or ad set is on pause, but still meets certain criteria, you’ll want them duplicated. Now you’re able to choose the delivery status of your ad sets or ads and filter by it before duplication is applied:
Duplicate your ads with automated rules.
That’s it for now. Hope these features serve your automation process at their best. For anything else, just leave us a message. As usual, we’d be happy to hear your thoughts and are open to feature requests!
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